Lowongan Kerja Sales Counter Optic Jayapura Optik Melawai

Lowongan Kerja Sales Counter Optic Jayapura Optik Melawai

Perusahaan: Optik Melawai

Lokasi: Kota Jayapura, Papua

Tentang Perusahaan

Optik Melawai is Indonesia’s largest optical store with hundreds of branches spread throughout major cities in the country. Optik Melawai is widely known as a reliable and knowledgeable optical store. With our warm and knowledgeable staff and comprehensive collections, customers rely on Optik Melawai to recommend optical solutions for their needs. We have alson been recognized for our service excellence. We won the Indonesia’s Most Admired Company (IMAC) award jointly granted by Business Week magazine and Frontier Consulting Group, and we recently won the Top Brand Award based on the result of an annual survey by Frontier Consulting Group Indonesia

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Kualifikasi : – Minimal pendidikan SMA/SMK/D3/S1 Segala jurusan – Maksimal 26 tahun – Freshgraduate welcome to apply – Bersedia ditempatkan dimanapun seluruh Indonesia – Bersedia mengikuti training

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